Sisters Mojca, 37, economist, and Eva, 31, pharmacist, with their children Tita, 5 months old (Mojca); and Nace, 6 months old (Eva).

"A baby needs attention, gentleness, and a feeling of security. I believe no babysitter or kindergarten educator can offer that in the same way a mother can. It's an important year for the baby and the mother, they are both learning from one another." - Mojca

"It's important to have this maternity leave, but at the same time I've been lucky to spend it with my sister, who's having her second child." -Mojca

"I don't think we live better than our parents. At that time there wasn't such pressure at work. I mean, I am ready to work, but sometimes the employer expects me to be available 24 hours a day. This didn't exist before. In the old days it was also much easier to get your own apartment and build credit. Now, we have to wait until our retirement or often even after to have enough credit to buy a house. " - Eva

"Our company is family friendly. Most of the employees are women and we're all at an age to have children. So far, when my children are sick and I asked for leave, there's been no pressure " - Eva

"If I look at my own childhood, I think we were facing much less violence. We helped each other more and had more personal contact. I am a bit concerned how it will be when my daughter goes to school." - Mojca

"It would be great for me to work only 4 to 6 hours after the maternity leave, but I simply cannot financially afford it." - Eva