Igor, 34, IT and Maja, 33, clinical pharmacist.
Parents of 2 month old Laura.
Parents of 2 month old Laura.

"It's all about being responsible to society and to one another. There are problems everywhere, but you hear news from the USA about children shooting children at school. I don't know, maybe it is just some crazies, but on the other hand, everybody transfers responsibility to others. Does anybody ask how much time parents spend with their own children at home? "

"For me, the first 3 weeks after delivery was pretty stressful as I had problems with breastfeeding. We are now doing the bottle, but I felt awful, like failing to breastfeed was failing to be a good mother."

"Somebody has to raise a child, but who can do that better than the parents. It's important that [the child] first spends time at home and gets values from his parents and relatives. In kindergarten, he's going to get values from teachers and peers. As they say, ‘far from sight, far from heart."

"I used 15 days of paternity leave, 3 days of special leave, and all pre-existing leave days that still belonged to me. I wanted to be there for my partner. I've seen how the birth has exhausted her, so I wanted to help by doing the cleaning, shopping, cooking. I cannot imagine that I would be of any help if was going to work at the same time."

"My biggest fear while she was pregnant was that I didn't feel like a father. I wasn't looking forward to it; I was afraid, like, what if I don't love the child? Mostly, I was afraid I wouldn’t like the role of a father, that I'm maybe not the person for it. But when the baby was born, I slowly started feeling—and it comes like an explosion—like a father. With some extra responsibility."